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42.21 MB |
2023-11-08 |
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Rogers Cadenhead / - Java in 24 Hours / Java 24 8- [2019, PDF, RUS]
45.82 MB |
2019-10-17 |
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Rohit J.R. - Building Serverless Applications with Python [2018, PDF, ENG]
31.37 MB |
2021-02-18 |
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Rohit Tamma, Donnie Tindall - Learning Android Forensics [2015, PDF/EPUB, ENG]
23.76 MB |
2015-09-14 |
5 |
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Rojas Hector Uriel Perez, Garcia Miguel Angel Teheran / - Hands-On Visual Studio 2022, 2nd...
21.16 MB |
2024-02-22 |
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1 |
RuTracker.org |
Books / Technical |
Roland Hess - Blender Production: Creating Short Animations from Start to Finish [2012, PD...
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2013-01-23 |
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Rolls Royce - The Jet Engine / [1996, PDF, ENG]
20.06 MB |
2007-09-04 |
4 |
1 |
RuTracker.org |
Books / Technical |
Roman Pichler / - Agile Product Management with Scrum. Creating products that customers lo...
1.62 MB |
2020-10-31 |
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Roman Yampolskiy - Artificial Superintelligence: A Futuristic Approach [2015, PDF, ENG]
1.6 MB |
2017-03-30 |
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Romero M., Sewell B. - Blueprints Visual Scripting for Unreal Engine 5 (Third Edition) [20...
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Rommel F. - Active Directory Disaster Recovery [2008, PDF, ENG]
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2008-12-15 |
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Books / Technical |
Ron Dai / - Learn Java with Math: Using Fun Projects and Games / Java : [2019, PDF, ENG]
3.23 MB |
2023-07-23 |
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Ron Kohavi, Diane Tang, Ya Xu / - Trustworthy Online Controlled Experiments / /- [2020, AZ...
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Ron Larson, Laurie Boswell, Timothy D. Kanold, Lee Stiff / . - Math Course 1 / . 1 [2007, ...
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2009-11-03 |
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Ron Peters - Expert Shell Scripting [2009, PDF, ENG]
17.27 MB |
2014-12-10 |
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RuTracker.org |
Books / Technical |
Ron Severdia, Jennifer Gress - Using Joomla!, 2nd Edition [2014, PDF/EPUB/MOBI, ENG]
60.52 MB |
2015-03-13 |
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RuTracker.org |
Books / Technical |
Ronald E. Barr, Juricic D., Thomas J. Krueger, Reyes A. - Design Workbook Using SOLIDWORKS...
31.02 MB |
2023-12-08 |
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Ronald E. Barr, Juricic D., Thomas J. Krueger, Reyes A. - Design Workbook Using SOLIDWORKS...
32.2 MB |
2024-08-31 |
11 |
1 |
RuTracker.org |
Books / Technical |
Ronald Stoyan - Atlas of the Messier Objects: Highlights of the Deep Sky 2nd Edition / : 2...
267.06 MB |
2024-04-14 |
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RuTracker.org |
Books / Technical |
Ronold W.P. King, Glenn S. Smith / ., . - Antennas in matter / : 2- [1984, DjVu, RUS]
21.64 MB |
2021-02-13 |
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2009-04-03 |
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Books / Technical |
Roronoa Hatake - ESP32 and Arduino Hardware Protocols Cookbook / ESP32 Arduino [2023, PDF,...
12.63 MB |
2024-02-05 |
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Books / Technical |
Roronoa Hatake - Mastering Embedded Sysrem, C Programming for Arduino and Microcontrollers...
107.24 MB |
2024-04-15 |
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3 |
RuTracker.org |
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Roronoa Hatake - The Complete Guide to ESP32 and Arduino for IOT / ESP32 Arduino IOT [2023...
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2024-02-13 |
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Rosa Margesin - Permafrost Soils / [2008, PDF, ENG]
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2009-05-24 |
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Rose R. - Flutter and Dart Cookbook [2023, PDF/EPUB/MOBI, ENG]
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2025-03-05 |
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Rosenfeld L., Morville P., Arango J. - Information Architecture. For the Web and Beyond [2...
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2018-10-22 |
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Rosenfeld Laurent / - Think Raku: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist [2020, PDF, ENG]
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2024-06-07 |
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Rosenfield Boeira J.N. - Lean Game Development [2017, PDF/EPUB, ENG]
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2017-11-21 |
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Rosenfield Boeira J.N. - Lean Game Development [2024, PDF, ENG]
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2023-12-17 |
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Rosenthol L. - Developing with PDF: Dive Into the Portable Document Format [2013, PDF, ENG...
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2007-09-16 |
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Roskes B. - Google SketchUp Cookbook. Practical Recipes and Essential Techniques [2009, PD...
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2011-07-06 |
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2010-05-15 |
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2017-05-27 |
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Rostami Shahin - Data Analysis with Rust Notebooks [2022, PDF, ENG]
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2023-07-28 |
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Roth Leland M., Roth Clark Amanda C. / ., . - Understanding Architecture: Its Elements, Hi...
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2020-04-21 |
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Roth Michael / - Modeling and Simulation of Everyday Things, 2nd Edition / 2- [2025, PDF/E...
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2017-03-17 |
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Routin D., Thoores S., Rossier S. - Purple Team Strategies [2022, EPUB, ENG]
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2023-11-22 |
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Routledge Companions - Scott M., Gallent N., Gkartzios M. (Edited) / ., ., . - The Routled...
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2019-12-10 |
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RuTracker.org |
Books / Technical |
Rovai M.J., Pinto M.T. / .., .. - ArduFarmBot: Tomato garden automation with help of Inter...
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2025-03-15 |
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RuTracker.org |
Books / Technical |
Rowland Kyle / - Powerful, Profitable Software Products: The Executive Guidebook / : [2025...
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2025-03-07 |
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5 |
RuTracker.org |
Books / Technical |
Roy Sutton - Enyo: Up and Running. Build Native-Quality Cross-Platform JavaScript Apps, 2n...
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2015-08-08 |
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RuTracker.org |
Books / Technical |
Royal Horticultural Society - Young C. / . - Encyclopedia of Garden Design / [2009, PDF, E...
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2016-12-24 |
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