Browse Console/Xbox 360


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Category Title Size Date Seeders Leechers Source
4 Console / Xbox 360 [XBOX360] Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen [GOD] [Region Free / RUS] ( ALLIANCE) 10.68 GB 2018-08-09 6 4
6 Console / Xbox 360 [XBOX360] Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist [Deluxe Edition] [FREEBOOT / RUSSOUND] 10.64 GB 2015-06-23 13 1
1 Console / Xbox 360 The_Last_Remnant_NTSC_XBOX360-Nocturnal 10.57 GB 2008-11-21 0 0 The Pirate Bay
11 Console / Xbox 360 [XBOX360] Watch Dogs Complete Edition [Proper][FREEBOOT][JTAGRip][RUS/RUSSOUND/ENGSOUND/PO... 10.55 GB 2020-08-26 17 0
17 Console / Xbox 360 [XBoX] The Last Remnant [RPG 2DVD DL PAL MULTi5] [Tntvillage.Scambioetico] 10.5 GB 2009-07-13 0 0 1337x
Console / Xbox 360 Deus Ex Human Revolution (ISO) Xbox360 10.48 GB 2017-05-13 0 0 The Pirate Bay
Console / Xbox 360 [XBoX] The Last Remnant [RPG - 2DVD-DL - PAL - MULTi5] [Tntvilla ... 10.46 GB 2009-07-14 0 0 The Pirate Bay
1 Console / Xbox 360 The_Last_Remnant-PAL-XBOX360-DAGGER 10.46 GB 2008-11-19 0 0 The Pirate Bay
3 Console / Xbox 360 [XBOX360] Asura's Wrath [GOD/RUS/ENG] 10.46 GB 2017-04-01 6 0
6 Console / Xbox 360 [XBOX360] Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist [Freeboot / Russound] 10.4 GB 2016-03-25 6 1
6 Console / Xbox 360 [XBOX360] Forza Motorsport 4 Unicorn Cars Edition [Freeboot/GOD/PAL/RUSSOUND] 10.38 GB 2012-05-31 19 1
72 Console / Xbox 360 [XBOX360] + [Kinect] Burnout [GOD] [Region Free / RUSSOUND / RUS / ENG] 10.31 GB 2018-08-02 6 3
10 Console / Xbox 360 [XBOX360] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 [Deluxe Edition] [FREEBOOT / RUSSOUND] 10.22 GB 2015-07-21 9 1
3 Console / Xbox 360 [Xbox 360] Import Tuner Challenge [RUS] [PAL][NTSCU][GOD+ISO](XGD2)(LT+1.9) 10.2 GB 2024-11-26 6 1
21 Console / Xbox 360 [XBOX360] Grand Theft Auto IV: The Complete Edition / Grand Theft Auto IV: [FREEBOOT / RUS... 10.17 GB 2016-07-20 10 0
1 Console / Xbox 360 Games & x-box plug-ins.. 10.15 GB 2006-10-16 0 0 The Pirate Bay
Console / Xbox 360 borderlands 2 all dlc including headhunter packs jtag/rgh 10.12 GB 2015-04-01 0 0 The Pirate Bay
Console / Xbox 360 Dragon-s Dogma: Dark Arisen (XBOX360) JTAG-RGH 10.03 GB 2018-10-24 0 0 The Pirate Bay
11 Console / Xbox 360 [XBOX360] Dynasty Warriors 7 [JTAGRip][ENG+JAP(DLC)][+44 DLC][+TU 15] 9.99 GB 2019-04-30 3 0
30 Console / Xbox 360 [XBOX360] Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate / Last Round + 44 DLC + TU 14 + SAVE [Freeboot][ENG] 9.93 GB 2015-10-31 9 0
3 Console / Xbox 360 [XBOX360] Metro 2033 + Last Light [Freeboot / FullRus] [Repack] 9.65 GB 2017-02-06 31 3
6 Console / Xbox 360 [XBOX360] Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Future Soldier + dlc [Freeboot / FullRus] 9.62 GB 2017-05-10 16 1
1 Console / Xbox 360 COD Ghost Single Player [GOD FILES ONLY] 9.6 GB 2013-11-01 0 0 The Pirate Bay
Console / Xbox 360 Halo 3 Xbox - Full Game (ALL MAPS INCLUDED + EXTRA LIVE MAP CONT ... 9.58 GB 2008-09-29 0 0 The Pirate Bay
3 Console / Xbox 360 [XBOX360] Dead Island + Riptide [Freeboot / FullRus] + dlc 9.5 GB 2019-03-04 8 0
3 Console / Xbox 360 [XBOX360] Forza Horizon Unicorn Cars Edition [FREEBOOT][GOD][RUS/RUSSOUND/ENG/POL/Multi21]... 9.46 GB 2020-09-12 44 2
Console / Xbox 360 Dead Space 3(2) (Xbox360) 9.37 GB 2014-12-03 0 0 The Pirate Bay
Console / Xbox 360 Shadow Of Mordor-XBOX360-RGHReady 9.28 GB 2014-11-26 0 0 The Pirate Bay
3 Console / Xbox 360 [XBOX360] Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor Complete Edition [FULL][JTAG][RUSTXT][+ALL DLC][+T... 9.27 GB 2018-11-15 9 1
Console / Xbox 360 THE LAST REMNANT (XBOX360) ISO NTSC-U 2DVDS 9.26 GB 2016-05-05 0 4 The Pirate Bay
Console / Xbox 360 Mafia II, [1 DVD9 + Espansioni Ita ] 9.21 GB 2015-10-12 1 0 1337x
Console / Xbox 360 Assassins Creed IV Black Flag GOD FILES ONLY 9.21 GB 2013-10-28 0 0 The Pirate Bay
9 Console / Xbox 360 [XBOX360] Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain [JTAGRip][RUS/Multi8][+32 DLC][+TU 10][+Bon... 9.09 GB 2019-02-27 10 0
Console / Xbox 360 Need for Speed The Run_Xbox360_NTSC-U/J 9.04 GB 2012-12-19 0 1 The Pirate Bay
Console / Xbox 360 Dishonored_Xbox360_NTSC-J 9.04 GB 2012-12-19 0 0 The Pirate Bay
1 Console / Xbox 360 The Elder Scroll 5 Skyrim_XBOX360_NTSC-J 9.04 GB 2013-01-18 0 0 The Pirate Bay
1 Console / Xbox 360 Fifa Soccer 2013_Xbox360_NTSC-J/PAL 9.04 GB 2012-12-19 0 0 The Pirate Bay
Console / Xbox 360 Burnout Quad Pack - PoBz 9.03 GB 2005-10-05 0 0 The Pirate Bay
5 Console / Xbox 360 [XBOX360] Medal of Honor Warfighter[FREEBOOT / RUSSOUND] + HD Textures 9.02 GB 2017-12-29 18 1
Console / Xbox 360 Fifa 13 [PAL][MULTI5][XGD3][LT3.0] 8.95 GB 2012-09-28 0 0 The Pirate Bay
5 Console / Xbox 360 [XBOX360] Borderlands 1 / Borderlands 2 / Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel [RUS / Freeboot] [Re... 8.92 GB 2018-12-15 13 9
Console / Xbox 360 Final Burn Legends 1.20_Bubbles_FullRomSet 8.9 GB 2015-06-25 0 1 The Pirate Bay
5 Console / Xbox 360 Battlefield Hardline [RUSSOUND] [Repack] 8.9 GB 2015-03-30 0 0 1337x
Console / Xbox 360 EMULADOR FBANEXT360 + 5823 ROMS (XBOX 360) JTAG/RGH 8.85 GB 2015-10-07 1 1 The Pirate Bay
3 Console / Xbox 360 [XBOX360] Persona 4 Arena Ultimax + DLC + TU [Freeboot][ENG] 8.75 GB 2015-03-12 5 1
Console / Xbox 360 Watch Dogs- JTAG/RGH ready 8.73 GB 2014-05-24 0 0 The Pirate Bay
Console / Xbox 360 Alien Isolation (XBOX360) JTGA-RGH 8.65 GB 2018-09-16 0 0 The Pirate Bay
27 Console / Xbox 360 [XBOX360] Saints Row The Third The Full Package [Region Free/RUS/LT+3.0] 8.63 GB 2012-11-14 6 2
Console / Xbox 360 XCOM.Enemy.Unknown.XBOX360-iMARS 8.6 GB 2012-10-07 0 0 The Pirate Bay
16 Console / Xbox 360 [XBOX360] Need for Speed: Rivals [FREEBOOT / RUSSOUND] 8.57 GB 2016-08-05 22 5

Updated 7 minutes ago





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