Browse Console/PS3


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Category Title Size Date Seeders Leechers Source
68 Console / PS3 [PS3] Cabela's Survival: Shadows of Katmai [Move] [EUR] 6.94 GB 2018-03-05 2 0
68 Console / PS3 [PS3] Shadows of the Damned [EUR/RUS] 5.94 GB 2017-08-17 7 0
68 Console / PS3 [PS3] Shadows of the Damned [USA/ENG] 5.94 GB 2017-08-16 4 0
68 Console / PS3 [PS3] Twisted Lands: Shadow Town [PSN] [Move] [EUR/RUS] 476.02 MB 2017-08-11 5 0
68 Console / PS3 [PS3] Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 [Repack] [EUR/ENG] [v1.01] 3.98 GB 2017-05-23 4 0
68 Console / PS3 [PS2-PS3] Shadow Hearts [RUS/Multi2|PAL] 3.45 GB 2019-11-06 3 1
68 Console / PS3 [PS3] Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate HD [PSN] [EUR/ENG] 2.3 GB 2017-05-23 3 0
67 Console / PS2 PS2 La Gang del Bosco [ITA PAL] TNT Village 1.51 GB 2011-05-13 1 0 1337x
67 Console / PS2 PS2 Legacy of Kain Defiance [Multi5 PAL] TNT Village 2.7 GB 2011-02-23 0 0 1337x
65 Console / PS3 [PS3] Deadly Premonition : The Director's Cut [ISO] [Move] [EUR / RUS] 11.86 GB 2023-04-28 6 2
65 Console / PS3 [PS3] Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut [EUR/ENG] [Move] 11.86 GB 2020-08-09 2 0
65 Console / PS3 Doom 3 BFG Edition [EUR][PS3] 3.91 GB 2012-11-10 1 2 1337x
65 Console / PS3 Doom 3 BFG Edition[FIX][PS3][3.41][3.55] 24.8 MB 2012-11-10 0 2 1337x
63 Console / PS3 [PSN][EUR]Trine 2 + EDAT[Rogero][NPUB30331] 1.1 GB 2013-03-01 0 0 1337x
63 Console / PS3 Super.Mega.Baseball.PSN.PS3-DUPLEX 235.3 MB 2017-02-26 0 0 1337x
63 Console / PS3 [PS3] GRID Autosport [ODE] [EUR/RUS] 7.63 GB 2016-03-24 4 0
62 Console / PS3 The.House.Of.The.Dead.4.PSN.Incl.FIX.4.21.PS3-NPUB30603 4 GB 2014-08-12 0 0 1337x
62 Console / PS3 The.House.Of.The.Dead.3.PS3-NPHB00453 1.1 GB 2014-08-11 0 0 1337x
57 Console / PS3 [PSN][EUR]Magic The Gathering Duels of the Planeswalkers + FIX 3.55 4.30 Rogero 414.9 MB 2013-01-22 0 0 1337x
56 Console / PS2 PS2 Okami [JAP] TNT Village 3.2 GB 2010-09-29 0 1 1337x
56 Console / PS2 Okami [PS2 PAL] Multi3 [TNTVillage.Scambioetico] 3.2 GB 2010-09-17 0 1 1337x
55 Console / PS3 MLB 13 The Show PS3-STRiKE 22 GB 2013-03-01 0 1 1337x
54 Console / PS3 Pack 2 FIX GAMES [PS3][3.55 Kmeaw] By DUPLEX 128.2 MB 2012-08-20 0 1 1337x
54 Console / PS3 Pack 1 FIX GAMES [PS3][3.55 Kmeaw] By DUPLEX 179.5 MB 2012-08-16 0 1 1337x
54 Console / PS3 4 Pack Games PSN PS3 5.6 GB 2012-02-22 0 0 1337x
54 Console / PS3 3 Pack PSN Games PS3 8.3 GB 2012-02-13 0 1 1337x
54 Console / PS3 [PS3] Dead Space 3. Limited Edition [Repack] [+ 3 DLC] [USA/RUS] 13.08 GB 2016-05-22 5 2
53 Console / PS3 [PS3] JASF: Jane's Advanced Strike Fighters [USA/ENG] 1.07 GB 2020-05-22 2 2
53 Console / PS3 [PS3] Mafia II: [RU] [Cobra ODE / E3 ODE PRO ISO] [RIP] 7.46 GB 2016-02-01 7 0
48 Console / PS3 Fallout 3 Game Of The Year [PS3] 9.82 GB 2018-10-06 2 0 1337x
47 Console / PS3 [PS3] Worms: Ultimate Mayhem [Repack] [EUR/ENG] [v1.01] 510.15 MB 2017-04-25 1 0
47 Console / PS3 [PSN][EUR]Worms Ultimate Mayhem[CFW 3.41 3.55 4.21+] 714.3 MB 2013-01-20 0 0 1337x
47 Console / PS3 [PS3] LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 [PS3xploit HAN] [RUS] [Repack] [RUS] [PKG] 7.84 GB 2018-10-27 6 0
47 Console / PS3 [PS3] LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 [PS3xploit HAN] [RUS] [Repack] [RUS] [PKG] 9.16 GB 2018-10-27 7 0
42 Console / PS3 [PS3] Jak and Daxter Collection [US/ENG] [ISO] 7.88 GB 2022-04-25 5 0
41 Console / PS3 [PS3] Darksiders [ISO] [EUR/ENG] 18.93 GB 2021-09-20 9 0
37 Console / PS3 Dragon.Ball.Raging.Blast.EUR.PS3-BLES00693 4.5 GB 2014-03-08 0 0 1337x
37 Console / PS3 [PS3] Ridge Racer: Unbounded [EUR / ENG] [ISO] 1.71 GB 2020-09-20 8 2
37 Console / PS3 [PS3] NBA 2K18 [EUR/ENG] 8.07 GB 2020-10-29 6 0
36 Console / PS3 [PSN][PS3][EUR]Zeno Clash II CFW 4.40+ NPEB01351 1.1 GB 2013-08-13 0 1 1337x
36 Console / PS3 [PS3] Datura [PSN] [Move] [EUR/RUS] 899.31 MB 2016-05-25 5 0
36 Console / PS3 [PS3][EUR]The.Walking.Dead.A.Telltale.Games.Series COLLATERAL [] 3.6 GB 2013-05-15 0 0 1337x
31 Console / PS3 Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition with 3.55 FIX (TESTED) 9.53 GB 2012-08-05 3 0 1337x
31 Console / PS2 Mercenaries 2 World In Flames USA PS2DVD-PROTOCOL 2.9 GB 2008-09-06 0 0 1337x
31 Console / PS2 Mercenaries.2.World.In.Flames.PAL.PS2DVD-LoCAL 2.6 GB 2008-09-06 0 0 1337x
29 Console / PS2 PS2 Drakengard [1 DVD5 Multi5 PAL] TNT Village 3.31 GB 2011-01-04 1 0 1337x
28 Console / PS3 [PS3] The Sly Collection [ISO] [Move] [USA / ENG] 22.98 GB 2025-02-16 1 1
26 Console / PS1 Bike Race Pro v6.2 (Full) Mod [Unlocked+G sensor] Apk-XpoZ 39.21 MB 2015-12-17 1 0 1337x
25 Console / PS3 PSN.EUR.PS3.Battle.Los.Angeles + FIX 3.41 3.55 4.21 4.30+ 1.1 GB 2013-04-18 0 2 1337x
25 Console / PS2 PS2 Sonic Mega Collection + [PAL 1 DVD5 Multi5] TNT Village 1.5 GB 2010-11-05 0 1 1337x

Updated 5 minutes ago





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