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Category Title Size Date Seeders Leechers Source
8 Console / PS3 [PS3]Bioshock Infinite DLC Pack 3.41 3.55 4.21+[BLES01705][] 38 MB 2013-05-21 0 1 1337x
8 Console / PS3 [PS3][EUR]Bioshock Ultimate Rapture Edition ENG.ITA GER.FRE.SPA 27.7 GB 2013-03-10 0 0 1337x
8 Console / PS3 [PS3][EUR]BioShock: Ultimate Rapture Edition[Rogero 4.30] 25.9 GB 2013-02-02 0 3 1337x
8 Console / PS3 Bioshock [PS3 ENG][nautilus] 9.32 GB 2011-05-06 2 2 1337x
7 Console / PS1 1G1R Redump Sony PlayStation (Part 2) 3.66 GB 2020-09-03 6 2 1337x
7 Console / PS1 1G1R Redump Sony PlayStation 519.1 GB 2020-08-17 0 18 1337x
7 Console / PS1 Resident Evil Games for PSX 1.56 GB 2019-07-23 6 1 1337x
7 Console / PS1 Resident Evil Survivor [PSX] 149.82 MB 2019-07-23 2 0 1337x
7 Console / PS1 Playstation 1 Emulator + 10 Games [Pick and Choose] 7.32 GB 2019-06-09 20 24 1337x
7 Console / PS1 triggers honey hunt 149.5 MB 2017-01-26 0 0 1337x
7 Console / PS1 toystory-2 423.5 MB 2017-01-26 0 0 1337x
7 Console / PS1 syphonfilter-3 407.4 MB 2017-01-26 0 0 1337x
7 Console / PS1 harrypotter-1 220.3 MB 2017-01-26 0 0 1337x
7 Console / PS1 spiderman-2 362 MB 2017-01-26 0 0 1337x
7 Console / PS1 spiderman-1 359.5 MB 2017-01-26 0 1 1337x
7 Console / PS1 dalamatians 323 MB 2017-01-26 0 0 1337x
7 Console / PS1 102 Dalmations 83.6 MB 2017-01-26 0 0 1337x
7 Console / PS1 Castlevania Symphony of the Night PS1 [1 CD Italiano] Piattaforma Azione Rpg 332.32 MB 2016-08-03 2 0 1337x
7 Console / PS1 [PS1] Tenchu 2 Birth of Stealth Assassins [1CD PAL Ita] TNT Village 707.11 MB 2015-06-01 1 0 1337x
7 Console / PS1 [PS1] Tenchu Stealth Assassins [1CD PAL ITA] TNT Village 701.2 MB 2015-06-01 0 0 1337x
7 Console / PS1 [TNT Village] Iss Pro Evolution [1 CD Ita Esp] PAL Calcio SLES 02424 [La Mia Collezi... 614.81 MB 2015-03-13 1 0 1337x
7 Console / PS1 Diablo [PS1] [NTSC U] [Multi4] 374 MB 2013-07-23 0 0 1337x
7 Console / PS1 Resident Evil Director\'s Cut Dual Shock Version [PS1] [NTSC U] [ENG] 289.92 MB 2013-07-21 2 0 1337x
7 Console / PS1 Mortal Kombat Trilogy [PS1] [PAL] [English] 344.32 MB 2013-07-21 2 0 1337x
7 Console / PS1 Duke Nukem Land of the Babes [PS1] [NTSC] [English] 291.72 MB 2013-07-20 2 0 1337x
7 Console / PS1 PS1 Castlevania symphony of the night [1 CD PAL ENG] [TNT Village] 377.45 MB 2010-05-03 5 0 1337x
7 Console / PS2 DragonBall Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3 (PS2) 3 GB 2016-08-22 0 0 1337x
7 Console / PS2 DragonBall Z Budokai Tenkaichi 2 (PS2) 2.9 GB 2016-08-22 0 0 1337x
7 Console / PS2 Dragonball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 2 [Multi5 PAL] TNT Village 1.53 GB 2011-05-02 3 0 1337x
7 Console / PS1 Tomb Raider [Azione 1 CD PAL ITA] [TntVillage] 607.6 MB 2009-05-18 0 0 1337x
6 Console / PS1 crash bandicoot 3 in 1 311.31 MB 2017-01-26 1 0 1337x
6 Console / PS3 Mortal Kombat PS3 CHARGED [] 9.34 GB 2011-04-15 4 1 1337x
6 Console / PS2 [PS2 Game PAL Eng] Shin Megami Tensei Persona 4 [TNT Village] 2.1 GB 2011-08-18 0 0 1337x
5 Console / PS3 Demon's Souls [PS3] 5.25 GB 2019-06-09 5 2 1337x
5 Console / PS3 PlayStation 3 Emulator 386.52 MB 2019-05-28 16 2 1337x
5 Console / PS3 PlayStation 3 Emulator + 5 Popular/Tested Games 57.87 GB 2019-05-27 7 54 1337x
5 Console / PS3 Battlefield.4.PS3-iMARS 10.28 GB 2013-10-25 8 3 1337x
5 Console / PS3 [PS3]WSC Real 11 World Snooker Championship ALL CFW 1.75 GB 2013-07-04 5 1 1337x
5 Console / PS3 [PS3][EUR]Sniper Ghost Warrior 2[BLES01527] 3.74 GB 2013-03-07 4 1 1337x
5 Console / PS3 [PS3][EUR] DmC Devil May Cry 6.54 GB 2013-01-12 4 5 1337x
5 Console / PS3 [PS3] Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock [EUR] [ENG] 5.65 GB 2012-10-15 5 0 1337x
5 Console / PS3 DANTES INFERNO PS3 5.28 GB 2011-07-21 8 7 1337x
5 Console / PS3 YAKUZA 4 ENG PS3 21.51 GB 2011-07-06 11 1 1337x
5 Console / PS3 Infamous.2.PS3 CHARGED [] 13.92 GB 2011-06-02 22 9 1337x
5 Console / PS3 Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix[PS3 PSN Multi5][Nautilus-BT] 290.17 MB 2011-05-29 7 0 1337x
5 Console / PS3 Braid[PS3 PSN Multi9][Nautilus-BT] 238.61 MB 2011-05-26 10 0 1337x
5 Console / PS3 [PS3][EUR]The Amazing Spiderman 8.05 GB 2013-02-18 5 1 1337x
5 Console / PS3 Deus Ex Human Revolution PS3 DUPLEX by Sonuyos & TOMEK1166 6.7 GB 2011-08-18 0 1 1337x
3 Console / PS1 Playstation One Rom Collection [zombiRG] 134.61 GB 2019-10-27 11 71 1337x
3 Console / PS2 Diabolik The Original Sin PAL MULTi6 PS2DVD Start2 (ESP,ENG,FRE,ITA,GER,NET) 4 GB 2009-07-19 0 0 1337x

Updated 5 minutes ago





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