Browse Console/PS4


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Category Title Size Date Seeders Leechers Source
33 Console / PS4 [PS4] Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water [ASIA] [ENG+RUS] [1.04] + Backport [5.05/6.72/7.x... 10.88 GB 2022-03-18 3 2
33 Console / PS4 [PS4 VR] Megadimension Neptunia VIIR [EUR/ENG] (v1.00) 12.19 GB 2018-08-17 3 1
33 Console / PS4 Amplitude (A0101 V0100) (CUSA02480) PS4 PKG [AUCTOR.TV] 2.31 GB 2020-07-19 1 0 1337x
33 Console / PS4 [PS4 Exclusive] Amplitude [USA/ENG] (v1.01) 2.31 GB 2018-10-08 2 0
33 Console / PS4 FIFA 21 (DLC) PS4 PKG [AUCTOR.TV] 4.02 GB 2021-06-28 2 1 1337x
32 Console / PS4 Road Redemption (A0104 V0100) (CUSA13020) PS4 PKG [AUCTOR.TV] 5.44 GB 2021-03-06 4 1 1337x
31 Console / PS4 River City Melee Battle Royal Special (A0101 V0100) (CUSA07597) PS4 PKG [AUCTOR.TV] 458.61 MB 2021-10-13 1 0 1337x
30 Console / PS4 Hello Neighbor Hide And Seek (A0101 V0100) (CUSA13974) PS4 PKG [AUCTOR.TV] 2.22 GB 2021-03-07 2 0 1337x
30 Console / PS4 [PS4] DINOSAURS: Mission Dino Camp [EUR] [ENG] [1.10] 2.38 GB 2024-02-11 2 1
30 Console / PS4 Divinity Original Sin 2 Definitive Edition (A0109 V0100) (CUSA11898) PS4 PKG [AUCTOR.T... 19.13 GB 2021-03-07 3 1 1337x
27 Console / PS4 Slime Rancher (A0100 V0100) (CUSA11650) PS4 PKG [AUCTOR.TV] 582.83 MB 2021-03-07 3 0 1337x
27 Console / PS4 Slime Rancher (A0114 V0100) (CUSA11650) PS4 PKG [AUCTOR.TV] 712.92 MB 2021-03-07 2 0 1337x
27 Console / PS4 [PS4] Bugsnax [USA] [Multi+RUS] [2.08] + Backport [5.05-6.72-7.02-7.55] 8.43 GB 2023-04-29 3 3
27 Console / PS4 [PS4] Firefighters Airport Fire Department [EUR/ENG] (v1.00) 553.25 MB 2018-10-03 2 0
26 Console / PS4 Super Robot Wars V (A0100 V0100) (CUSA06124) PS4 PKG [AUCTOR.TV] 5.61 GB 2018-10-13 1 1 1337x
26 Console / PS4 [PS4] Battle Worlds Kronos [EUR/RUS] (v1.00) 1.85 GB 2018-09-24 3 0
26 Console / PS4 [PS4] Clash: Artifacts of Chaos - ZENO EDITION - [USA] [Multi+RUS] [1.04] + 2 DLC 5.32 GB 2023-08-17 2 0
25 Console / PS4 [PS4] Erica + BP 5.05 [EUR] [ENG+RUS] [1.02] 37.43 GB 2021-02-06 3 2
25 Console / PS4 [PS4] The Sinking City [EUR-RUS] (1.04) 12.29 GB 2020-12-11 7 1
25 Console / PS4 Dariusburst Chronicle Saviours (A0111 V0100) (CUSA03378) PS4 PKG [AUCTOR.TV] 2.82 GB 2021-06-28 2 0 1337x
24 Console / PS4 F1 2020 (A0112 V0100) (CUSA16283) PS4 PKG [AUCTOR.TV] 53.49 GB 2021-03-24 9 15 1337x
24 Console / PS4 Apex Construct (A0100 V0100) (CUSA10860) PS4 PKG [AUCTOR.TV] 4.41 GB 2021-03-07 1 0 1337x
24 Console / PS4 [PS4] Air Conflicts Pacific Carriers [EUR/RUS] (v1.00) 1.82 GB 2018-10-03 2 1
23 Console / PS4 [PS4] I Saw Black Clouds [USA] [ENG/RUS] [1.05] + backport [5.05-6.72-7.xx] 14.88 GB 2022-06-22 2 1
23 Console / PS4 [PS4 PSX Classics] Spider-Man [NTSC] [RUS] [1.01] 458.5 MB 2022-08-05 4 0
23 Console / PS4 [PS4] Arkanoid: Eternal Battle [EUR] [Multi+RUS] [1.02] 706.81 MB 2024-03-26 2 0
23 Console / PS4 [PS4] Resident Evil 3 Remake [USA] [MULTI+RUS] [1.03] [RePack] 22.73 GB 2021-01-01 9 4
23 Console / PS4 [PS4] Resident Evil 3 [USA] [MULTI+RUS] [1.03] 21.03 GB 2020-12-20 3 0
23 Console / PS4 Desperados III (A0100 V0100) (CUSA11112) PS4 PKG [AUCTOR.TV] 10.12 GB 2021-03-07 2 1 1337x
23 Console / PS4 [PS4] Desperados III [EUR-RUS] (1.02) 10.17 GB 2020-12-29 3 0
23 Console / PS4 [PS4] Echo [EUR] [Multi4+RUS] [1.01] 8.06 GB 2025-01-22 5 0
23 Console / PS4 [PS4] Tormented Souls [EUR] [ENG/RUS] [1.02] + Backport [5.05/6.72/7.xx/8.xx] 6.17 GB 2022-09-17 6 0
23 Console / PS4 [PS4] Tormented Souls [USA] [MULTI7+RUS] [1.00] [FIX 5.05/6.72/7.xx/8.0x] 5.33 GB 2022-03-01 3 0
22 Console / PS4 WRC 10 The Official Game (A0104 V0100) (CUSA27790) PS4 PKG [AUCTOR.TV] 36.15 GB 2023-03-27 5 4 1337x
22 Console / PS4 WRC 9 FIA World Rally Championship (A0104 V0100) (CUSA19439) PS4 PKG [AUCTOR.TV] 27.19 GB 2021-03-29 9 12 1337x
22 Console / PS4 Under Night In Birth Exe:Late[st] (A0105 V0100) (CUSA09405) PS4 PKG [AUCTOR.TV] 7.41 GB 2021-06-28 1 4 1337x
22 Console / PS4 Under Night In Birth Exe:Late[st] (A0100 V0100) (CUSA09420) PS4 PKG [AUCTOR.TV] 3.52 GB 2021-03-31 2 0 1337x
22 Console / PS4 Under Night In Birth Exe:Late[cl r] (A0104 V0100) (CUSA14031) PS4 PKG [AUCTOR.TV] 7.81 GB 2021-03-24 1 0 1337x
22 Console / PS4 Under Night In Birth Exe:Late[cl r] (A0104 V0100) (CUSA16768) PS4 PKG [AUCTOR.TV] 7.61 GB 2021-03-06 1 0 1337x
22 Console / PS4 WWE 2K19 (A0100 V0100) (CUSA12320) PS4 PKG [AUCTOR.TV] 40.92 GB 2021-03-07 2 0 1337x
22 Console / PS4 SD Gundam G Generation Genesis (A0100 V0100) (CUSA04475) PS4 PKG [AUCTOR.TV] 26.11 GB 2018-10-13 1 0 1337x
21 Console / PS4 [PS4] Bomb Rush Cyberfunk [EUR] [Multi+RUS] [1.03] 2.09 GB 2024-05-22 4 0
21 Console / PS4 [PS4] Killzone Liberation [USA] [Multi+RUS] [1.01] 1.09 GB 2024-05-25 4 1
21 Console / PS4 [PS4] LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga [USA] [MULTI+RUS] [1.07] [Repack] + Backport [5.05... 30 GB 2022-08-26 7 0
21 Console / PS4 Skylanders Imaginators (A0100 V0100) (CUSA05158) PS4 PKG [AUCTOR.TV] 18.92 GB 2018-10-13 2 0 1337x
21 Console / PS4 [PS4] A.O.T. / Attack on Titan Wings of Freedom [EUR/ENG] (v1.00) 13.22 GB 2018-10-17 3 0
21 Console / PS4 [PS4 Exclusive] Uncharted 4 A Thief's End / [EUR/RUS] (v1.32) 58.08 GB 2018-05-31 26 4
21 Console / PS4 [PS4] Stick it to The Man! [EUR/RUS] (v1.00) (RePack) 832 MB 2018-09-25 2 0
21 Console / PS4 [PS4] Stick it to The Man! [EUR/ENG] (v1.00) 849.63 MB 2018-09-25 2 0
20 Console / PS4 [PS4] Poop Slinger [EUR] [Multi+RUS] [1.04] 377.13 MB 2024-04-17 3 0

Updated 7 minutes ago





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